Herbert Ware was born in Opelousas, Louisiana in 1950 and his family moved to Houston, Texas in 1960. After graduating from Jack Yates Sr. High School, he served three years in the U. S. Army. He was stationed in Germany as the Human Relations/Equal Opportunity Specialist for his battalion.
Ware worked for the Bell telephone system for 10 years, and then struck out on his own to start his own business. He found his occupational calling in January 1994 in the Funeral Industry as a Pre-Need Agent and his endeavors began to blossom. In 1997, Ware and a business partner began the independent agency, Pre-A Plans, with a little over $300.
After the end of that partnership, he began to recognize “Divine Intervention.” Pre-A Plans became and has remained a “main stay” marketer of Pre-Need Funerals/Burial Insurance for independently owned funeral homes in Texas.
Ware was raised in Masonry to Master Mason in May 1989. He has also served as Senior Warden, Worshipful Master, Grand Secretary (under two different Grand Masters), Deputy Grand Master, and Grand Master of Mt. Sinai Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Texas from 2006-2009.
In 2009, Ware authored and published, The Blue Lodge Holy Bible Reference Guide. It is designed to provide a quick and easy guide to the spiritual congruency between Masonry and the Holy Bible. And have since published his second book “Masonic Maturity Through Scripture”.
"My belief is that, we can get the man; but we never get a Mason, until we get to his Spirit.”
Ware has pulled Grand Masters together for Joint St. John the Evangelist day services for nine years. He believes, teaches and practices spiritual principles in business and in his personal life. He strongly believes that “to seek mutual benefit in all your dealings is Godly. Work is the answer to 99.9% of our challenges in life.”
In 2009, Ware joined The Houston Breakfast Club, and became its President in 2012 until 2016. In 2012, he sponsored community-wide boys basketball tournaments. In 2016, both Mt. Tabor Grand Lodge and his agency (Pre-Arranged Plans of America) has begun awarding college scholarships to deserving high school graduates.
Angela Ware was born in Shreveport, Louisiana and grew up in Houston; Angela attended Jack Yates Senior High School and San Jacinto Jr. College Central Location.
Angela worked for the St. Luke’s Episcopal Health Systems for 12 years, and showed an aptitude for hard work, flexibility in dealing with all sorts of people and problems, and the ability to build and lead a team which led to wonderful friendships that still remain to this very day. In 2012 during a professional luncheon meeting I was blessed with the opportunity to begin a new career in the oil & gas industry. God does bless places before people. My belief in staying F.A.T (Faithful Available and Teachable) has allowed the good Lord to open the windows and doors of heaven and pour me out blessing after blessing.
The year 2012 was quite an eventful one for me. During one of my morning mediations I asked myself what is my purpose. After traveling with my husband (Grand Master Herbert M. Ware) I sought membership to The Order of The Eastern Star. As we traveled I watched my husband give and give his love of teaching sound Biblical and spiritual principles in our personal lives and to the Sisterhood and Brotherhood. It was then I knew that this was the secret to living – To Give! Being in the Order is a way of life.